Comment Policy
  • Stay focused.

    All viewpoints are welcome, but comments should remain on the topic set by the original blog post, discussion question or other type of initial entry.

  • Be respectful.

    Ad hominem or personal attacks, profanity, and aggressive behavior are prohibited. Instigating arguments in a disrespectful way is also prohibited.

  • Tell the truth.

    Spreading misleading or false information is prohibited.

  • No spam.

    Repeated posting of identical or very similar content in a counter-productive manner is prohibited – this includes posts aggressively promoting services or products.


We retain the right to determine which comments violate our comment policy. We also reserve the right to remove violations. We expect all contributors to be respectful.


Our comment policy is valid for all discussions hosted on


Thank you for taking the time to review our comment policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.